I’ve been in a funk and not the James Brown kind. What do you do when you’re in a funk?


Katie Kat, Isha
Sheryl Sheryl
@gRegorLove I would appreciate hearing answers to this as well. I'm really tired today. I think part of it is lack of coffee.

Katie Kat Katie Kat
@gRegorLove dance party! Even if you are alone!

John Uhri John Uhri
@gRegorLove I take my medication.

Isha Isha
@gRegorLove also, tweet more

Isha Isha
@gRegorLove write me back (postal mail)

Isha Isha
@gRegorLove paint

Isha Isha
@gRegorLove buy a lizard

Isha Isha
@gRegorLove kiss @macleaney

Isha Isha
@gRegorLove fly me out there

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill
@indiana_mama This is on my to-do list, I promise. Might do it this weekend actually. :)