Idea: A site that concatenates tweetstorms into one long post. Could call it Weblogger, or maybe Presser of Words.


Krystal V. Weber, Warmonger Smurf, dominique, and 6 others
dominique dominique
@gRegorLove literal lol.

dominique dominique reposted this –

Alex Conner Alex Conner
@gRegorLove Twitter Bundler?

Krystal V. Weber Krystal V. Weber
@gRegorLove Wordpressr- "no, it's not the same as that other site".

Sheryl Sheryl
@gRegorLove Perfect for @standrewsrebel. :)

Kyle Mahan Kyle Mahan
now I just need an app that teaches me to stop reducing my complex thoughts to quick, meaningless jokes

Kyle Mahan Kyle Mahan
@gRegorLove now I just need an app that teaches me to stop reducing my complex thoughts to quick, meaningless jokes

dominique dominique
@gRegorLove this is literally still making me giggle.

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill
@aduronia Haha, thanks! That joke got a lot more traction than I expected.

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill
or Communicator Between the Dead and the Living? Nah, too long.

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill
Maybe just: Grande.