In reply to:

@caesarwiki And you pass it off like you "just asked a question" when you didn't. I probe and get something about "someone else said..."


James Pitt
Gregg Schaffter Gregg Schaffter
@gRegorLove I did ask a question. I don't know what you are talking about.

gRegor ♥ Morrill gRegor ♥ Morrill
@caesarwiki "I wonder how much of the game you actually made." is not question. It's an insulting insinuation.

Gregg Schaffter Gregg Schaffter
@gRegorLove I was actually wondering how much. It's the assumption on your part.

gRegor ♥ Morrill gRegor ♥ Morrill
@caesarwiki Bully for you. Try phrasing it as a question, and not *after* being a jerk, telling someone their work "isn't a game."