Thinking about moving to San Diego.


Christopher Goller, Laurie Guerrettaz, Chris Corcoran, and 16 others
Laurie Guerrettaz Laurie Guerrettaz
You said you wanted me to move there and be your roommate, correct?

Gregor Morrill Gregor Morrill
btw this is an authentic, artisinal gRegor post, no shenanigans.

Gregor Morrill Gregor Morrill
Laurie Sure! Come on out. Matt and Sarah are starting a compound. :)

Laurie Guerrettaz Laurie Guerrettaz
Okay... you said you also need an office assistant, correct?

Gregor Morrill Gregor Morrill
Hehe, I don't, but maybe Sarah does?

Laurie Guerrettaz Laurie Guerrettaz
Got a job for me, Sarah?

Laurie Guerrettaz Laurie Guerrettaz
BTW I think San Diego will be wonderful for you.

Chris Corcoran Chris Corcoran
Why not San Fran?

Holly Willis Holly Willis
Bring your deep pockets. We just moved to Orange County a year ago, and the cost of living is kicking our butts. For real. Like, in ways we never expected. And we moved from downtown Denver where it was already overpriced!

Laurie Guerrettaz Laurie Guerrettaz
Just make girls buy their own dinners.

Jean-Pierre Joubert Jean-Pierre Joubert
He doesn't have flowers in his hair, nevermind everywhere.

Chris Corcoran Chris Corcoran
Song lyrics?

Matthew Leon Matthew Leon
I love it here, but it is stupid expensive. If you need a place to crash for a few days while you check it out, lemme know. It just has to be before we move in December.

Mark Schwartzkopf Mark Schwartzkopf
Incorrect. Tyler.

Jean-Pierre Joubert Jean-Pierre Joubert

Stephen M James Stephen M James
Bay area's cost of living is 172.6% higher than the U.S. average. :-( You can come move to the Flathead this week with me, Gregor.

Josh Miller Josh Miller
Discovered by the Germans in 1902...

Allison Weaver Allison Weaver
When I visited my friends were living in a studio apartment with no a/c for $900/month. Hope you've saved your pennies! lol

Stephen M James Stephen M James
Yeah. Aren't many professional jobs though. You will want to be remote.

onekyle onekyle
It's beautiful but just so boring (unless you live near the beach and really like beach stuff)

Doug Webster Doug Webster
I would make for a good reason for me to visit S.D.!

Christopher Goller Christopher Goller
It would give me a reason to visit other than dancing.

Garden Communities Garden Communities
Do it! And for some awesome San Diego apartment options, you should check out what we offer at