Describe a GIF using only words.


Laurie Guerrettaz, Ben Turnbill, Chris Corcoran, and 1 others
Michael Schultheiss Michael Schultheiss
An anthropromorphic banana dances to the left, then right while raising and lowering its arms ad infinitum.

Laurie Guerrettaz Laurie Guerrettaz
Michael Jackson voyeuristically eating popcorn

Joshua Williams Joshua Williams
Jonah hill being super excited.

Gregor Morrill Gregor Morrill
Shia LaBeouf clapping in an empty theater.

Laurie Guerrettaz Laurie Guerrettaz
A baby who is probably pooping but looks to be very proud of his accomplishment.

Gregor Morrill Gregor Morrill
Donald Trump?

Laurie Guerrettaz Laurie Guerrettaz

Christopher Siler Christopher Siler
A brand of peanut butter

Sarah Ruth Sarah Ruth