Dr. Thomas Ho sent me down the internet archive rabbit hole today when he tweeted that it is the 10th anniversary of the first Indianapolis Twitter meetup. I have been getting in the habit of archiving events on my site, so I started by searching my old tweets. I found the original Upcoming.org (Yahoo, actually) event URL. Since they re-launched in recent years and archived old events, I was able to find that and set up my own event page.

Here are some other links related to the event, so I have them all in one place:

Dr. Thomas Ho's pictures of the event: https://flic.kr/s/aHsiUmzxvv

Douglas Karr's archived blog post about the event: http://web.archive.org/web/20080620203802/http://www.douglaskarr.com:80/2008/03/14/friday-night-fun-the-indianapolis-tweetup/

The silly Tweetup graphic I hacked together: https://flic.kr/p/4uUqj2

We were so young and Twitter was so much fun! Good times. Let me know if you have any other photos or information to add.


Douglas Karr