We’re a week out from the first Homebrew Website Club San Diego!
Join us December 11 6pm @ Subterranean Coffee. Details: https://gregorlove.com/2019/12/homebrew-website-club/
If you’re coming, please reply to this with “rsvp yes” or “rsvp maybe”
★ Joe Crawford
gRegor Morrill –
See you tonight! Look for me in the IndieWebCamp shirt. @simon_prickett @artlung
See you tonight! Look for me in the IndieWebCamp shirt. @simon_prickett @artlung
gRegor Morrill –
@CharlieRoseMari Hey Charlotte, just found your Twitter. I saw you were a maybe tonight, so pinging you as well.^
@CharlieRoseMari Hey Charlotte, just found your Twitter. I saw you were a maybe tonight, so pinging you as well.^