selfie while laying on the couch with my arm behind my head

Felt cute, might quarantine later


sonicrocketman, Andy Phillips, Kandace, and 34 others
gregorlove gregorlove
Caption aside, of course I am staying home. Stay home, save lives. Wear a mask when you go out because it's the kind thing to do.

ronniethebearofficial ronniethebearofficial
Oww owww! ? ? ♥️ladies.....

rickyleepotts rickyleepotts

gretchenalice gretchenalice
Real glad we got to hang out before all of this happened!

gregorlove gregorlove
@gretchenalice Before the beard or the pandemic? :) Agreed, it was great seeing you both!

gregorlove gregorlove
@ronniethebearofficial ?

girlvsplanet girlvsplanet
Wow! I kinda like it.

gretchenalice gretchenalice
@gregorlove Ha! I’m always pro-facial hair. ?

starwalker5 starwalker5
@rickyleepotts I will make it rain dollar, dollar bills ya’ll for everyday he doesn’t shave ??