I’ve been looking over Mike Hoerger’s Pandemic Mitigation Collaborative - Data Tracker which estimates and projects daily new COVID cases in the US based on wastewater levels. I think it’s pretty accessible and makes it more obvious how risky it actually is out there.

From the 2023-12-04 report, we’re at an estimated 1.2 million new cases per day. About 1 in 38 people are infectious. In a group of 10 people, there’s a 23% chance anyone is infectious. This is more transmission than during 88.9% of the pandemic. The data tracker link above has a video where he explains the methodology for these numbers.

Wastewater levels are rising as we head into yet another winter surge even earlier this year. Let’s keep each other safe out there by wearing well-fitting respirators, filtering the air, improving ventilation, and staying up to date with our vaccines. 😷💚

Two charts of US SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Levels, COVID-19 Case Estimates, and 4-week forecast. One chart is for all-time and one is for the last six months. Also shows tables of current estimates, weekly estimates, 2023 cumulative estimates, and 4-week forecasted estimates. Finally, a table shows the % chance anyone is infectious in a group of people based on the number of people.

Image from: Hoerger, M. (2023, December 4). U.S. SARS-CoV-2 wastewater levels, COVID-19 case estimates, and 4-week forecast: Report for December 4, 2023. Pandemic Mitigation Collaborative. https://www.pmc19.com/data


Huskify, Kate Nyhan, trendless