Posts tagged with: music

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I watched a video about the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die and someone built a web app to help you listen to them all with a daily recommendation. I think I’ll give it a shot as part of my #TodaysAlbum project.

🎶 It’s a TRON: Legacy soundtrack kinda day.

2024 Music Year in Review

🎶 Happy New Year! I’m listening to Edgar Wright’s Top 50 Songs of 2024 playlist.

h/t Emily Haines from Metric

Haven’t listened to much holiday music yet, so fixing that with the new Ben Folds, Sleigher. Next up: Scala & Kolacny Brothers, December; and Rosie Thomas, A Very Rosie Christmas. What’s on your list?

Mutemath/Paul Meany released Distance, an acoustic EP of some songs from the vault. Very chill.

Kinda rough day over here, but the new Leiahdorus album is lifting my spirits. Check it out if you dig synth/new wave: The Lost Tapes

🎵 New bop alert: “Scantily Clad” by Haute & Freddy. Looking forward to hearing more from them!

Giving pop music a chance

🎵 Ooh, the Odesza live album is out! The Last Goodbye Tour Live

Just saw Five Iron Frenzy is playing in my backyard in August, and with Craig’s Brother! Didn’t know CB was still around. Looking forward to it.

Music Monday: Hind’s Hall

🎵 It’s a Blade Runner: 2049 soundtrack afternoon

For funk, you might dig Vulfpeck, The Beautiful Game. The whole album is great, but “Dean Town” and “Conscious Club” are a good taste.

Music Monday: London Grammar, “Strong.” Blown away by her voice every time.

It’s Bandcamp Friday! 100% of purchases go to the artists today. I picked up Sucré, Starkisser; Starflyer 59, Vanity; and Fine China, Eyes in the Water and Trees at Night

I came across the anarchist folk-punk band Sister Wife Sex Strike from a video of their unauthorized album release show in a Starbucks. Listening to their new EP now, pre-op:

Kill the locals, oppress the masses
Divide them into races and classes
Then sell progress back to them

The story of the band name is amazing:

The band's name is inspired by real life events: in 2021, Pigeon & Moth were sharing a lover and when they found themselves mutually dissatisfied by his efforts, they went on a sex strike to have their demands met.

🎵 “Wonderwall” but make it Underoath

Digging Paramore’s cover of “Burning Down the House” and looking forward to the other covers on the upcoming Stop Making Sense tribute album.

Delightful music re-discovery: Emancipator. Good chill, electronic music to work to. Currently listening to 2022’s 11th Orbit.

Ooh, this should be good: A Stop Making Sense Tribute Album teaser. First track by Paramore.

I joined the virtual Homebrew Website Club meetup last night and Pablo shared the post about his plans to expand his music tastes, “1000 Albums in 1000 Days.”

I have posted someMusic Mondayposts occasionally. It’s usually been when I’m particularly excited about a song or just when the mood strikes me. I was intrigued by Pablo’s idea and figured it could be a relatively easy task to listen to one distinct album each day(-ish), whether it’s new to me or not. I am always interested in finding good new music, so that will be part of the goal, but I think this will also help me go through the catalog of albums I haven’t listened to in ages and see how they hold up.

I’m keeping it simple for now, so not going to commit to 1000 albums or posting about each one I listen to, but I am sure I will share some of the high/lowlights.

Recommendations are always welcome! What are some of your favorite albums of 2023?

Ooh, new Sigur Rós album!

I need to remember to listen to them more often, especially when I feel down. It’s so moving and relaxing.

Friday night concert at home: Justice’s, IRIS: A Space Opera. Amazing light show so far and a good pick-me-up after a blah week. Warning: lots of strobing lights.


Ooh, Unwed Sailor is playing Seattle in June!