gRegorLove little g big R

Toby Mac - and the Mac is back no slack..

Well, I'm back. The site's not 100% complete, but there's more than there was: the humor and writings pages are back. More will come as I get time.

email heidi

Like the graphic says, you should email heidi_theory. I "met" her on xanga; we've chatted and emailed a couple times. She's nice and says she gets no email. I said I'd post something telling people to email her. She didn't believe me. *shrug*

Although I have various things I would like to post about, I am tired right now so I am going to go to bed. But I will be posting more soon.

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your favorite heidi your favorite heidi
i can't beileve you actually did that.

-fif on friday?
oh, i am sooo jealous.

- h e i d i -

you know who... (you sneaky geek  you) you know who... (you sneaky geek you)
Well, I've checked out your website... and it's as impressive and thrilling as I thought it would be. Defintly worth the wait. I've been *dreaming* about it this whole time. You know me and dreams... they're all about you gRegor... all about you...

Ooo does this mean I'll get to be number one in posting comments again?

Elizabeth Elizabeth
gotta looove old skool dct.

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