Three posts in a day?!?!
gRegorThe1: it's new! IMPROVED! FRESH! (and low in carbs!!) :
thisloserwins: does it taste like dr. pepper ?
gRegorThe1: Better!!
gRegorThe1: actually, I don't know how my website tastes.
thisloserwins: :-O
gRegorThe1: I think that really depends on your monitor.
gRegorThe1: perhaps I should have a taste-testing post, and have people tell me what it tastes like.
thisloserwins: i agree.
gRegorThe1: it will happen momentarily. haha.
So there you have it. What does taste like? If I like your answer enough, I'll add it as one of my custom tag-lines of the site in the upper right-hand corner..
and let's just get this one out of the way: tastes like chicken.
I won't be using that.
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I think it tastes like Sprite. You know, with all the green lemony-limey goodness. :-D