Just Another Day
I had this thought while in the Meijer last night, noticing the ridiculous amount of red and pink crap being sold for Valentine's Day. It is silly that we need a commercial holiday to express our love to others; it should really be an everyday thing. When it comes down to it, Valentine's Day is just another day.
So I'm thinking about having a get-together on February 14th, calling it the “It's Just Another Day” party. It would be geared toward everybody - not just couples - and not in some oh, we'll throw the single people a frickin' bone fashion either. It'd just be a fun get together.. play games, maybe watch a movie. Want to come?
Speaking of V-Day, I got an email from thinkgeek.com today with this pretty rad shirt:

Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Though there were multiple answers I could have chosen, so I could be a few people. This reminds me, I need to learn Napoleon's dance, because I have at least 5 or 6 friends that have said they'd pay $10 to see me do it. I should totally go on tour doing the dance, I'd pay off my debt real quick. Heck yes!
I finally got to see The Village last night and it was quite awesome.
Ok, that's all for today's randomness.
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I too, was Kip. And I too, liked the Village.
That's all.