Idiot Government at Work
Sorry for the redundancy with “idiot government”. In Washington state, apparently parents are too stupid to be able to teach their children about life; the House passed a bill “that would encourage public high schools to offer 'family-preservation' classes on building loving relationships, resolving conflicts, being responsible parents and managing money.” “The goal, supporters say, is to help students learn the value of strong, enduring relationships and reinforce the importance of families as the basic unit of society — lessons many teens may not be learning at home.”
source: 'Family Life' classes urged for schools
Oy vey.
One thing I found humorous is in this quote: “I often find students coming back saying, 'That was some of the most valuable things I ever learned,' she said.” Now I'm rusty on my grammar, but I found it ironic that a student said “That was some of the most valuable things...”, which I'm pretty sure is incorrect. I think it should be “Those were some of the most valuable things...” Maybe 'family life' shouldn't be such a priority in public schools, eh?
P.S. - What's the difference between the US government and the Mafia? One of them is organized.
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That sort of makes me ill