gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on
It’s 2016 and the Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils fallacy is still strong.

Statistically, you *will not* cast the deciding ballot. Vote (or don’t) your conscience.


Ronald, Jeremiah Ragsdale
Kyle Mahan Kyle Mahan
I go back and forth on this. Let’s tear down the electoral college, have public financing of elections, implement online, ranked voting, whatever else might break us out of the two party system (with two utterly shit parties). But come November, it’s a choice between two people… Mathematically a vote for anyone else is the same as not voting.
And vote your conscience, sure. If I thought Hillary was just a slightly less evil monster than Trump and electing her would be a total disaster, I wouldn’t vote for her. I’d stay home, or vote for Jill Stein, or write in Mal Reynolds.
As it is, she’s uninspiring, I disagree with her on some things, don’t find her to be particularly trustworthy, but I think she’ll do fine as president. Top 3 of the last 5. With such a polarized congress there’s not that much a president can do anyway. And I believe she’ll nominate fine SC justices. I can live with voting for her no problem. I couldn’t live with not voting for her and Trump winning.

Kyle Mahan ⚔⚜ Kyle Mahan ⚔⚜
@gRegorLove I go back and forth on this. Let's tear down the electoral college, have public financing of elections…

♕ Suzanne Zaleski ♕ ♕ Suzanne Zaleski ♕
@gRegorLove I keep hoping this is the year that a third party candidate will win. I refuse to vote for the chosen D/R noms in this election.

Isha Isha
@gRegorLove I'll write your name in if you write in mine.