Joe, Suze, gRegor, and Simon in front of a painting of David Bowie as Ziggy Stardust

We had a good time at the second Homebrew Website Club San Diego meetup last night.


Suze Shardlow in sunny SoCal ? ? ? ?️, Joe Crawford, Simon Prickett ??, and 34 others
gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill mentioned this –

girlvsplanet girlvsplanet
#theechoinggreen Wow...

rachelskirts rachelskirts
Aww! I love seeing you and @artlung nerding out together. ?

gregorlove gregorlove
@rachelskirts you know him? Small internet!

gregorlove gregorlove
@girlvsplanet still a favorite!

gregorlove gregorlove
@theechoinggreen represent

ryanfritzsche ryanfritzsche
Man haven’t seen a shirt with name on it in a loooong time

gregorlove gregorlove
@ryanfritzsche Haha I really didn't expect that shirt to get so much attention