We talked about some improvements to indiewebify.me during tonight’s IndieWeb meetup. I think we landed on the idea that it is primarily a tool for developers, since it involves instructing people to change HTML. We discussed possibly changing it from a numbered list (or levels) to more of a “Choose Your Own Adventure” format.

“indiewebify.me is still very 2015 indieweb”Tantek

As a first small step, I wanted to propose that we change the messaging so it’s clear it’s intended for developers and add some prominent links (perhaps in a top bar?) to other indieweb resources if you’re not a developer, like the getting started page. Since indiewebify.me can be some people’s first exposure to the indieweb, I think it is important that we don’t give the impression that indieweb = you have to be a developer. We should provide clear, inviting calls to action for non-developers.

Since it is largely a set of validators, I wonder if that should be part of the messaging, too. Something like “IndieWebify.me: indieweb validators for developers”?

What are your thoughts?


Jeremy Cherfas Jeremy Cherfas
I think it is a splendid idea to revisit indiewebify.me and reorient the expectations around that page. It does suggest that one fiddle with HTML, and that might well be off-putting if one is new to IndieWeb.