ups and downs
Well it looks rather likely that I will dropping my classes this semester - not in order to become a college dropout, but due to financial issues as well as a conflict between sleep and classes. Normally I have a scholarship that as soon as I register my classes are paid for, however this semester that did not happen for whatever reason, and I got a bill for $1600 a couple weeks ago. I can't really afford that, and my scholarship still hasn't gone through. I've yet to hear back from Financial Aid or the Scholarship office. Maybe it's because I'm going part-time, or maybe it's because I'm no longer eligible. Either way, I can't really afford it, plus I've had a real hard time getting up in time for my classes. So it looks like I might just be working this semester, dropping FedEx in the Spring and finishing up then. We'll see. I'm pretty apathetic about school honestly, and feel like such a slacker lately, which annoys me. :-/
Crap, there was something “good” that I was planning on writing about too, to balance out that first crap-for-a-paragraph, but now I can't even remember it. Getting old sucks.
I remember now. I'm going to California!
I got the time off work and a pretty darn good deal on tickets, so I'll be in Cali from October 22 - 25 visiting several people; karla, ryan, rachel and her husband brian, gee win, heidi (if she ever gets her butt in gear and emails me back), patrick, and elizabeth.
It should be fun. I really love California, and I haven't seen most of these people in several years. Heidi and Elizabeth I only know through xanga and other friends, so it will be interesting meeting them. It should prove to be a nice mini-vacation, particularly if I'm not taking classes at the time.
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has it really been several years? hmmm.
i suppose 1.75 at least.