Oh, It’s November?

I had not even registered that it was November until I read Jamie’s post about participating in National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo). Something about it hit me just right with inspiration and I decided I should try it again. My last attempt was 2013 and 2011 was the last time I met the goal of posting each day.
I poked around this afternoon to see if there was an official NaBloPoMo site or blogroll anymore. In 2010 it was sold to BlogHer but it languished until it appears they dropped it altogether in 2017. There’s no mention of it on their site anymore and the Twitter account has tumbleweeds. Alas. Twitter hashtags #nablopomo and #nablopomo2019 will have to suffice.
Asha’s post is good if you’re looking to get involved and/or find some other participants in the comments. The featured image came from that post. I also found via San’s post a funnily-named version of the challenge: NanoPoblano. They have a roster of participants as well as some writing prompts.
Don’t call it a comeback...
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