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Homebrew Website Club San Diego

The first Homebrew Website Club San Diego was a success! There were four people in attendance. We started with introductions and talked a bit about our websites — or desire for a website.

Joe Crawford: Has been blogging since 2001 and recently been posting lots of drawings and comics. Tonight he updated the header on his site to include one of his drawings. He is running WordPress, so he installed the indieweb plugins: Webmention, Semantic Linkbacks, and Microformats 2. He made some updates to his h-card and used to test it.

Simon Prickett: Used to only post on Medium, but now has all his posts on his site and syndicates copies to Medium. Tonight he worked on some templates for an upcoming Women Who Code event. The goal is to have a few starter templates they can use to teach Jekyll and be able to publish a page on Github Pages.

Jordan Yonts: No website… yet. He used to have a domain but let it lapse and all the content is gone. He is happy to leave that content in the past but would like to get a site set up and organize some of his hobbies there.

gRegor Morrill (you are here): I’ve been working on a login system and mailing list opt-in so people can subscribe and get my posts by email. This is something I really want in place before I am off of Facebook, to allow people to still get my posts by email.

We talked about how often to have these meetups and decided on monthly, at least for now. The next meetup is tentatively on January 15, 2020. I’ll follow up with an event page soon.


Subterranean was a pretty good venue for this. I was a little concerned because while it is a big coffeeshop, it is often pretty full during the day. After 5pm there were only a handful of people, though, so it worked well. We could have comfortably hosted 8-10 people tonight. They have good food and drinks, and happy hour overlapped. They also have good art (see below) and music; tonight it was Talking Heads.

painting of David Bowie as Ziggy Stardust

The awesome Bowie painting in our group picture.

Should we rename to Home-Bowie Website Club? y/y

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Joe Crawford, Grant

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