@ThatMissKitty It’s great seeing your face again.
At work we just launched phase 2 of a huuuuge project I've been working off-and-on for 5 years. Going pretty smoothly so far. Such a relief.
@indiana_mama https://vine.co/v/er3tdvzaLww
I almost forgot. It’s free root beer float day at A&W! http://awrestaurants.com/rootbeerfloatday
@Hungry4Media Sorry, the wink was silent. No, not *that* kind of wink.
@Hungry4Media Lazy.
hi aaron
Didn’t spell it “Oktoberfest,” either. :]
“That was a good run of nuggets.” — @macleaney
“I want that to be my epitaph.” — me
Alright, now I have a reason to implement u-dislike-of. ;)
@laurentheanimal: @JimJeroo is a favorite.
@Skirts Hey, we watched you on the TV.
Check one, check two.
@benwerd Roderick on the Line, Radiolab, Relevant podcast, Harmontown, Penn's Sunday School
@RELEVANTpodcast Dang, who is this angry-at-the-nice-tollworker guy and what did you do with @EdwardorEddie?
What do you call posts that only exist on a silo? Nacho posts! #indieweb
“He shouldn't hide behind an authoritative regime,” said the regime that assassinates people at will.
Jeremiah and I have rebooted our podcast, Late Night Toast. We’ve got two episodes up now if you want to check it out: http://latenighttoast.com
Really enjoying the NYVES album, Anxiety. Depeche-Mode-ish from Demon Hunter and Project 86 alum. https://youtu.be/vhxMrlxOWao