@indiana_mama I've been pretty good. Still weird to think I live out here, but I'm adjusting.
@indiana_mama Coffee bean and cocoa bean, usually.
@gretchenalice OMG are you a Borrower now??
@indiana_mama OMG, did you see the Vine I retweeted? Check out the rest of them too: https://vine.co/u/1087361857654001664
@superfeedr Whoa, that was fast. I only set it up late last night. Stalkers. ;]
Thanks for the information. :]
@tomfromhr Word to your Mother Earth.
TIL: Vanilla Ice is vegan.
Random: Is it worth it to upgrade ST2 to ST3? I haven't yet...
Good thoughts.
Distorted Love: The Toll of Our Christian Theology on the LGBT Community http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-pavlovitz/distorted-love-the-toll-of-our-christian-theology-on-the-lgbt-community_b_5988938.html
Hey, let’s go to the playground. cc @darth https://www.facebook.com/FreeStuffWorld/videos/1091242370905548/
@joeyaberle ::high five::
@purekatherine Rice also brought a lot of harassment via her platform to @randileeharper, over an Amazon review.
This seems to hinge on the implication in the first paragraph that to celebrate the change of the law means being hateful towards those who disagree with the change of the law. I don't think that idea is supported well in the post, though. Your first footnote even indicates (quite rightly) most people are not celebrating out of spite. I think it would be better if that wasn't a footnote, but integrated into the post more clearly.
I agree with your larger point about humility and holding onto things loosely. I was just honestly confused why you equated celebrating a move towards legal equality with being hateful, without further explanation.
@Skirts iTARDIS?
obligatory “Riiiiii-cola”
Happy birthday, @ThatMissKitty!
@laurentheanimal Job security.
Surprised they didn't just shake it off.
@Cross_Hare He tweets!
@jburrows Are you coming to IndieWebCamp this year? July 11–12th in Portland. Registration: https://indiewebcamp.com/2015/Guest_List