@joeld Reboot or Part n?
jk. I haven't seen it, actually.
Bellingham Academy of Elf Defense: Don't be caught off guard by Orc attacks. Learn Elf defense today. https://flic.kr/p/u5yGYx
@LovelyAnomaly What dates?
@girlvsplanet I sent you an IM.
@girlvsplanet But seriously, could be any number of things. Are core+theme+plugins all up to date?
@girlvsplanet The problem is WordPress.
@UnicornDelight Pi.
@eea Thanks! I'm sure there would have been more DCT and U2 were you along for the trip.
@elclinto Thanks! I had no idea you lived here. Small internet!
@indiana_mama I was rocking an old school one for a while, but I'm back in smartphone land now.
BRB, going down a Michael W. Smith nostalgia trail.
@standrewsrebel Welcome!
@Hungry4Media Hey, it's still your birthday out here. Hope it's awesome!
The new @RelevantPodcast is here! The new @RelevantPodcast is here!
Excited to see @PennJillette and @MrTeller tonight!
Attention @girlvsplanet http://weputachipinit.tumblr.com/post/117718248320/possibly-the-single-most-useful-smart-product
@dakami "free speech unit" is photoshopped
@LovelyAnomaly If you delete Twitter how will we group-tweet next time we're hanging out??
@LovelyAnomaly I leave Chicago and next you're watching 50 Shades and talking about deleting Twitter? Nooo. :]