@nicktabick @nicopolitan @laurentheanimal Leverage the butt?
@laurentheanimal But synergized profit center retention!
Pro-tip: Record a podcast the night before you move across the country. At least we're finally doing it. #noregrets
Speaking of podcasts, @jdragz and I are recording a new @LateNightToast this Wednesday. Follow us over there and send topics/questions/bread
Mark Salomon (Stavesacre) has a podcast, so this should be great. http://www.ineverwas.com @thetwilightsown
Yep. Hitting the road Friday at 8AM.
My friends suck sometimes. https://instagram.com/p/1o3ejQzO7_/ @girlvsplanet @sarah5
@SpiffyPop I think they're called blunges.
@freebsdgirl Since I saw claims of abusive people changing their handle to break the permalinks used in abuse reporting. 2/2
@freebsdgirl Similarly, I was thinking it would be useful to build tweet permalinks using the tweet ID alone, if that's possible. 1/2
@thelovelygirl Just noticed your display name. Awesome.
My boobs look great as-is, thank you. @SpiffyPop
@macleaney So BOOBS thought it was a good idea? That does sound like a marketer's name.
You should have them check out slack.com. It's pretty sweet and has a has a good free tier to try out.
Have you heard Invisibilia? I've been really enjoying it.
@joeld I just saw http://blocktech.com/ and thought of you. Interesting idea though I suspect too techy to take off.
::adds to Christmas wishlist::
@niclake Dude, https://youtu.be/wJelEXaPhJ8