@standrewsrebel I thought you meant Vancouver, BC at first.
Indiana could handle the Ron Juan and gRegorLove; I think WA will deal. :]
No, come back. I'll tweet smrter things I promise.
I can't find them anywhere anymore. :/
“I know rocks. And before you laugh, consider this: most of what you’re wearing is made of rock.” #LostSkeleton
@MsSwank Meh. I haven't followed him much lately. He's arguably not very libertarian. I doubt the Republicans will nominate him, anyway.
@nicopolitan @aduronia We should have another #winetoreach soon though. I feel like it's been a while.
@nicopolitan @aduronia Eh, lower cap. 5, I think.
@nicopolitan @aduronia https://talky.io is another good video alternative.
Watching The Lost Skeleton Returns Again. Some movies just demand a sequel.
I like @pennjillette's take on Indiana's RFRA http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/02/opinions/jillette-indiana-law/
@kekeisdumb You were great on @Relevantpodcast! They should have you on more often.
OMG @macleaney isn't familiar with Short Circuit. Moving that to the top of the queue.
@SweeneySays Happy belated birthday!
“Hope has made a way for all the dead hearts to arise” — @theechoinggreen, “Dead Hearts”
Swipe up to see this tweet fly.
Dammit. Should have known.
No Rod Stewart?
Hai. Glad you're alive.
Hi Joey!
@codatory That's what I was leaning towards. Thanks.