@macleaney Check your email.
@girlvsplanet Gravity. Screen cracked so badly it doesn't recognize touch. :/
@sarah5 Zoom zoom zoom
Made it to Buffalo, WY safely today. Unfortunately, my phone did not (in one piece), so don't try texting for a while. #BellinghamBound
@Hungry4Media Yes. We drove 500mph.
@niclake Des Moines I think. We have a small caravan traveling so probably can't stop unfortunately.
@niclake Yep. Passing Davenport.
Hello Iowa and @niclake. #BellinghamBound
Farewell Chicago. #BellinghamBound
Many thanks to good friends helping me pack and clean today. @Hungry4Media @krazmataz @LovelyAnomaly #BellinghamBound
So much dust in this apartment. I think some small woodland creatures were actually formed here over the last 4 years. #BellinghamBound
I feel like a lot is drowned out by cross-posting and promotion these days. Fewer interactions, which was what made it fun.
@joeld Something like that. Just don't call it a comeback.
We recorded a thing! It should be online within two weeks!
There's a Netflix Daredevil series now that's getting great reviews.
Photosynthesis . . . hacked https://vine.co/v/OgLdEuvUIW6
I'm still dying laughing at this.
s/Murray Rothbard/Ayn Rand/
@Ryanfritzsche Moving to Bellingham to be closer to my girlfriend @macleaney
@Ryanfritzsche Ugh. :/ I'm so bummed that they're playing Chicago a week after I move to WA, and they've already played Seattle this tour. :(
@nicktabick @nicopolitan @laurentheanimal https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cloud-to-butt-plus/apmlngnhgbnjpajelfkmabhkfapgnoai?hl=en