@kylewmahan You're looking kind of pixel-y.
@girlvsplanet @rickyleepotts is wrong, as usual. :)
Just Like Heaven (Super Mario style) by Lazyitis:
@thursdayschild "We can rebuild him. We have the technology." ā The Six Million Cheeses Man
@indiana_mama Guess Twitter thinks it's a bad idea.
@indiana_mama Weird. Maybe because it's already associated with your main account. You should be able to sign up without a number.
@indiana_mama @Ishadvesaidthat
@indiana_mama Dangit, Isha. Now everyone knows my middle name.
@girlvsplanet @MauriceBroaddus @indiana_mama Yeah! Pics!
@LovelyAnomaly SURE!
@laurentheanimal Mary and Max
@rickyleepotts I think it's totally worth it.
@LovelyAnomaly I hope it was great. I heard there was La Amistad involved, so it probably was. :]
@LovelyAnomaly Ack. Happy belated birthday! I even had a calendar reminder, but forgot to post.
Liking the sound departure of the new Mumford & Sons. #folkoversaturation
@srhbutts What did Wil Wheaton allegedly do that has them labeling him a misogynist? Or is that them mis-appropriating terms again?
@Skirts At least it's not WordPress, right? (Judging by the lack of scowl.)
@ThatMissKitty *hug*
We're recording episode two of @LateNightToast tonight. Send us questions, topics, or bread! I'm a fan of rye.
@standrewsrebel Yep. When do you arrive out here? I will be in Portland for a conference July 11-12 and maybe an extra day.