@LovelyAnomaly Ack. Happy belated birthday! I even had a calendar reminder, but forgot to post.
Liking the sound departure of the new Mumford & Sons. #folkoversaturation
@srhbutts What did Wil Wheaton allegedly do that has them labeling him a misogynist? Or is that them mis-appropriating terms again?
@Skirts At least it's not WordPress, right? (Judging by the lack of scowl.)
@ThatMissKitty *hug*
We're recording episode two of @LateNightToast tonight. Send us questions, topics, or bread! I'm a fan of rye.
@standrewsrebel Yep. When do you arrive out here? I will be in Portland for a conference July 11-12 and maybe an extra day.
@girlvsplanet http://i.giphy.com/YtLdRorcY7gcg.gif
@indiana_mama http://gph.is/1bYiCVz
@justb3a Not yet, but I'll try to get a beta version up soon. @johannesdachsel
@justb3a @johannesdachsel I'm in the IRC room regularly if you want to stop by and chat indieweb/ProcessWire: https://indiewebcamp.com/irc
@justb3a Cool! The one I'm working on is a bit different; it supports the more general protocol https://indiewebcamp.com/webmention @johannesdachsel
@johannesdachsel @justb3a I'll let you know when it's out so we can test it out. Glad to see more PW indieweb people! :] 2/2
@johannesdachsel @justb3a I saw you were at #indiewebcamp and running ProcessWire. I'm working on setting up a webmention plugin for PW. 1/2
I should work to Doctor Who soundtracks more often. Series 5 currently.
@UnicornDelight It's true. It's gorgeous up here.
@UnicornDelight Kinda yes, kinda no. Same coast, but way north in Washington. :]
@gretchenalice Congratulations!
It’s weird getting used to *living* in Pacific time, rather than the novelty of visiting it occasionally.
@Skirts To make room for @LateNightToast, right?