@thursdayschild Nonsense. Their alligatorhythms just know me. @Rachelskirts @girlfrmmars
@Rachelskirts @thursdayschild @girlfrmmars http://howyouare.com/godcreatedme/Z1JlZ29yfDY . . . ladies.
“Do you belieeeeeve in life after Facebook . . .”
I’ll see myself out.
I dreamed I was at IndieWebCamp and there were over 100 attendees. I also saw Cher was leading a session, so now I don't know what to think.
@belovedjustXO Welcome back. Good to see you.
This is great.
I’m a female scientist, and I agree with Tim Hunt, by @a_rubin
Suzi: The point wasn't whether there is mental illness involved or not. It's that there are different, racist narratives around violent people based on their skin color. White people tend to get nuance when they are talked about—humanized. Other races don't get that nuance and are often presented in a two-dimensional, dehumanizing way. See the link in that paragraph for an article on the topic.
Implicit p-name is my rap name. #indieweb
@jdragz When do you want to record @LateNightToast 002? If we don’t soon, the fans might riot.
Are you sleeping well / consistent hours? I've been trying to get better about that, myself. It's hard since I'm a night person and sometimes my brain gets going when I need to sleep.
Or do you mean the work is so demanding it's hard to get in a productive 40 hours?
@indiana_mama @girlvsplanet FOR LOOKING SOOO GOOD.
@girlvsplanet There's a setting for that. ;)
#untappdisforbeer #instagramisforphotos #twitterisfortweets
“If you love something, you must talk shit about it. You must ‘shit it free.’” — @johnroderick, Roderick on the Line #19
And Dooce! Mallory Ortberg! Eric Meyer! Hoping I can make it, too.
Doug: I'm not sure either since I'm not using Feedly. I set up a permanent redirect in Feedburner, so readers are following that to pull in the posts seamlessly, but it may not update the actual feed URL. Probably not an issue for the near future, but if Feedburner ever disappears you might stop seeing the posts. I guess you could unsubscribe and then re-subscribe with the new feed URL. That notice is in the new feed, but I'll remove it in a month or so.
Thanks for the heads up on the encoding. Making valid XML is such a pain in the neck sometimes. :)
@plugdj I shouldn't have to allow third-party scripts just to click a "Sign Up" button.
@plugdj Still getting "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'init' of undefined" in https://cdn.plug.dj/_/static/js/index.eeead814c6d1f513c3ba396ec7acb7f753513800.js
@plugdj Yes. It's probably https://disconnect.me
@brianjesse Look forward to seeing you there! Don't forget to RSVP. :) http://indiewebcamp.com/2015/Guest_List
@Skirts @thursdayschild It's pretty good. Nice, eerie soundtrack too.