@Skirts @thursdayschild Here's a short podcast on H.H. Holmes you might enjoy: http://www.lorepodcast.com/episodes/episode-8-the-castle-1
Listening to @freebsdgirl's talk “Fighting Harassment with Open Source Tools.” Recommended. https://youtu.be/KtV_SfSvRpU
@plugdj Your homepage is throwing javascript errors; I can't sign up, unfortunately. :/ "XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://api.segment.io/v1/p"
I should have titled that: 100 WordsdroW 001
@brianjesse Are you coming to IndieWebCamp Portland this year? July 11–12th https://indiewebcamp.com/2015
@thatgirl Are you coming to IndieWebCamp this year? July 11–12th in Portland https://indiewebcamp.com/2015
@caseorganic Are you coming to IndieWebCamp Portland this year? July 11–12th https://indiewebcamp.com/2015
@awolftune Are you coming to IndieWebCamp this year? July 11–12th in Portland https://indiewebcamp.com/2015
IndieWebCamp is coming up July 11–12th in Portland. Who else is coming? http://indiewebcamp.com/2015
@phototypical But seriously, I can set up ProcessWire with your design pretty easily. @Skirts
@phototypical Never give up. Static HTML is better than WordPress. :) @Skirts
@LovelyAnomaly :/ Praying
@LovelyAnomaly Oh no. What's up?
The War on Drugs is heinous, but hey, we can make a fun musical about it for people — half of which have used marijuana — to enjoy.
Enjoying the @ThisAmerLife radio drama episode, but not the way it makes the high school marijuana entrapment story sound lighthearted.
At the Bellingham Naked Bike Ride.
Sorry . . . ladies
Truth. http://xkcd.com/1534/
Happy hole-y Friday! #NationalDonutDay
@girlvsplanet Austria doesn't dance around their version of it, though. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fucking,_Austria
@girlvsplanet I did, actually. Saw signs for it on the trip to Purple Door festival ages ago with @PastorTom13.