Oof. Is it already time to talk about who will use our money to kill foreigners in 2016?

In reply to: https://twitter.com/AdamBaldwin/status/586353528245002240?s=09

You misspelled "blocklist."

And no, it's not against the ToS.

@niclake You should sue for libel: http://nic.sucks

In reply to: http://erinjo.is/2015/important-ask---raise-your-hand-if-youd-like-an
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Notice to bands I like: please don't play in Seattle until after May 1. Thanks.

In reply to: https://twitter.com/SteveTaylorTPF/status/586247030068142081

Noooooo. @SteveTaylorTPF is playing Chicago just a week after I move. And they've already played Seattle. :(

In reply to: https://twitter.com/indiana_mama/status/586175877223944192

In reply to: https://twitter.com/indiana_mama/status/586174660796088321?s=09

It's obvious things about Christianity framed as a gotcha piece, like Salon's article.

In reply to: https://twitter.com/indiana_mama/status/586174660796088321?s=09

@indiana_mama See the first RT. Salon is a garbage publication and wrote ignorant things about Christianity. The hashtag is mocking Salon.

In reply to: https://twitter.com/girlfrmmars/status/586004691433185280?s=09

Hi Geee-FM! How are you?

P.S. Don't touch my face unannounced like that. I jumped.

Paging @jdragz to gchat.

In reply to: https://twitter.com/standrewsrebel/status/585855702075187200

@standrewsrebel That's best of both worlds from what I understand. No income tax in WA, and no sales tax in Portland just over the river.

In reply to: https://twitter.com/standrewsrebel/status/585855702075187200

@standrewsrebel I thought you meant Vancouver, BC at first.

Indiana could handle the Ron Juan and gRegorLove; I think WA will deal. :]

In reply to: https://twitter.com/nbendavid/status/585766241215844352?s=09

No, come back. I'll tweet smrter things I promise.

In reply to: https://twitter.com/IllicitPopsicle/status/585710055779074048?s=09

I can't find them anywhere anymore. :/

“I know rocks. And before you laugh, consider this: most of what you’re wearing is made of rock.” #LostSkeleton

In reply to: https://twitter.com/MsSwank/status/585657972178694144

@MsSwank Meh. I haven't followed him much lately. He's arguably not very libertarian. I doubt the Republicans will nominate him, anyway.

In reply to: https://twitter.com/nicopolitan/status/585655270916939776

@nicopolitan @aduronia We should have another #winetoreach soon though. I feel like it's been a while.

In reply to: https://twitter.com/nicopolitan/status/585655270916939776

@nicopolitan @aduronia Eh, lower cap. 5, I think.

In reply to: https://twitter.com/nicopolitan/status/585654169543016448

@nicopolitan @aduronia https://talky.io is another good video alternative.