@nicopolitan ♫ The humans are dead, the humans are dead. We used poisonous gasses, and we poisoned their asses
@MsSwank Mommer said thank you. :]
And “Not for Human Use” makes it pretty clear that I am a cyborg.
It’s not the actual device that was in me, but the same model. And it comes with a drawstring pouch to keep it in.
Got my old pacemaker sent back the day before Mom gets hers put in. https://flic.kr/p/qKJCHu
@nicopolitan I rarely remember mine, and only vaguely remember last night’s.
Everyone had weird dreams last night! Well, at least four of us so far.
@girlvsplanet Sleeping dreams, or aspirations? @macleaney and I both had weird dreams last night.
@thursdayschild @macleaney Don’t look at me. Tyler is the sysadmin. :]
@niclake Haha. I use them quite well. I just need to unsubscribe from silly stuff like Hulu queue emails. Already down to 882.
@niclake 1,054. Get on my level. :]
Gmail inbox zero (er, five) filter hack:
l:inbox after:2015-01-01
@jdragz Great-ible.
I’m a bit hopeful based on the trailer.
@ThatMissKitty Congratulations!
@srhbutts Thank you for sharing this. You are awesome!
Disappointed with the lack of Rufio on http://ruf.io.
Resisted the urge to comment on a FB thread. Level up!
“You know if you call him ‘Bob Zombie’ it’s much funnier.” — nerdist.com podcast
Even with URL redirection?