I have attempted to submit this Feedly feedback on their Uservoice forum. In the past I have had issues with the feedback not appearing, so I am making a copy here. The syndication link below is the URL they provided, but is not publicly visible currently.
When I send a WebSub notification (previously known as PubSubHubbub) for my Atom feed, the whitespace around links appears collapsed, so linked words run up against words around them. The feed is https://gregorlove.com/articles.atom. You can see this in Feedly with recent posts in my feed.
For this post, though (https://gregorlove.com/2017/05/ten-years-on/) I neglected to send a WebSub publish notification, so it appears Feedly did a regular poll of the feed and handled the whitespace correctly. It appears it's only for WebSub publish notifications that Feedly collapses the whitespace like this.
They grow up so fast.
https://twitter.com/MichaelGalanin/status/988087010270285825 (archived)
I finally saw Lady Bird. So good!
There’s a cafe near me that makes an amaaazing chicken salad. And quesadillas definitely count.
Netflix, Mario Odyssey, Stardew Valley, slowly trying to read A Prayer for Owen Meany, and been getting out in the sun some more.
I haven't had a lot, but I did make a pretty dang good grilled cheese the other day. You?
Archived. You'll get subsequent replies but they skip the inbox. You can search "is:muted" to find muted conversations.
From the message, "More" button, then "Mute"
Hey Nic! Made any good puns lately?
Hiii, geeFM!
I was reminded (thanks @girlvsplanet) that I'm “not on social media much these days.” I’m not sure why. I want to be, to stay connected, but I often feel like “what should I say?” I do still read it a lot, though.
So, uh, what should I say?
Aw man, I miss turntable.fm. Been a while since I listened to @shinytoyguns too. Listening to We Are Pilots v3 now.

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Walked 3.22km