@sarah5 I guess the green flash is real https://overcast.fm/+EAt6MYpwM/4:21
“Hole” hearts don’t exist, @EdwardorEddie.
Check the Contact Information You've Uploaded to Facebook
If you’ve ever had the Facebook app installed on your phone, you should check on the contacts it has uploaded and information it has tracked. Per the Ars Technica article linked below, Facebook was collecting your call and SMS logs from Android phones until recently.
How to see/remove contacts that were uploaded to Facebook
Keep in mind that this is contact information from your phone’s address book that was uploaded to Facebook if you granted the permission when you installed the app. They use this information to help connect you to your friends on Facebook. Deleting this information does not remove any of your current Facebook friends.
- Open https://www.facebook.com/invite_history.php
- Click “Remove all contacts”
If you have used the Facebook Messenger app, also open https://www.facebook.com/mobile/messenger/contacts/ to delete that information. Again, this doesn’t remove the friends you’re connected to on Facebook, just the address book information you’ve shared with Facebook, most likely totally unaware.
If you had either app on iPhone you’re probably safe from the call and SMS logs. You should still check what contact information you’ve uploaded. I would also generally recommend not using the Facebook apps on your phone, if possible. The mobile version of Facebook at https://m.facebook.com should work well instead. You can bookmark it and add it as an icon on your home screen.
Facebook scraped call, text message data for years from Android phones, Ars Technica,
Here, have a test webmention!

What has two thumbs and just got a hurrcut? (and makes goofy faces)
Want to read: Kill Process
I missha you too. I'm going to try to visit this summer.
@authorizenetdev I couldn't find a place to report this. The ARBCreateSubscriptionRequest API reference indicates the billTo can have a phoneNumber and faxNumber. This appears to be incorrect based on API error responses I'm receiving as well as the XSD.
There is https://silo.pub for posting reviews to Goodreads, though I haven’t tried it myself.
I’d like to hear @EdwardorEddie do a Sam Elliott impression after that pretty good Dennis Quaid.
Dr. Thomas Ho sent me down the internet archive rabbit hole today when he tweeted that it is the 10th anniversary of the first Indianapolis Twitter meetup. I have been getting in the habit of archiving events on my site, so I started by searching my old tweets. I found the original Upcoming.org (Yahoo, actually) event URL. Since they re-launched in recent years and archived old events, I was able to find that and set up my own event page.
Here are some other links related to the event, so I have them all in one place:
Dr. Thomas Ho's pictures of the event: https://flic.kr/s/aHsiUmzxvv
Douglas Karr's archived blog post about the event: http://web.archive.org/web/20080620203802/http://www.douglaskarr.com:80/2008/03/14/friday-night-fun-the-indianapolis-tweetup/
The silly Tweetup graphic I hacked together: https://flic.kr/p/4uUqj2
We were so young and Twitter was so much fun! Good times. Let me know if you have any other photos or information to add.
This was one of the Betta episodes.

gRegorLove More Than Ever
@MsSwank Yesterday at church I got a coffee mug with hearts on it. I forgot to take a picture, but I thought, “it’s a Suzi mug.”
I’ve launched this on both my homepage and article permalinks. I’m still working out where to include the next/previous post links, but I thought this was good enough of an improvement to launch it.
Below is a screenshot of what it looked like previously. Compare that with the new version.