Posts tagged with: birthday
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This is XLIII.
Ok, a minor cheat. This is from like two weeks ago, but I liked it.I’ve been at Mommer’s for the holiday and we’ve been going through some photos. I haven’t seen some of these in 20+ years, so I thought it would be fun to share gRegor through the years:

2. In case you were wondering if I was just as cool back in high school ... yes.
This was one of my high school senior photos.

3. Everybody wants to (evangelize) the world.
An outtake from my senior photos that didn’t make the cut for some reason, hahaha. I was really zealous about Christian short-term mission trips back then.

4. Young Greg (I didn’t even use an -or back then) with our Pomeranian, Teddy Bear.

5. I’m bébé. Mommer tells me I was enjoying blueberries.