My IndieWeb Commitment is:
– Expand my reply-context to show at least the author name and text that I’m replying t0.
– Add support for local comments, requiring a Persona login to leave a comment.
– If those two are not enough (ha), a stretch goal would be to add tagging.
@Skirts Congrats! The site looks great.
I proofread for “WordPress” and found none. A+ would hire.
Looking forward to Trailer Wars tonight. Fake movie trailers!
@thursdayschild Not your best writing . . .
@jeremiahrags What is this, a Monday for ants?!
And thus Webmention with Vouch Fingers was born. #funwithURLs
Another webmention with vouch test, using a third-party domain for vouch.
Testing webmention with vouch. ::fingers crossed::
Webmention with vouch. Check three, check four.
Turkey tacos for dinner. I like this new tradition.
.@macleaney and I successfully baked a pumpkin and pecan pie today. Need to wait until tomorrow to eat them though.
@purekatherine Wow. I can hardly believe people are shipping them.
Win a week in Tahoe? OK.
@indiana_mama @girlvsplanet @jdragz You can use the Google+ app on iPad/iPhone, though iPad is probably better.
“We’d like this project done by the end of the year so can we get on a conference call? Week after next works better for us.”
@anildash August 14. You?
@MsSwank Ah. Yeah, though there may be some allusions to both as you get further in. Def. be careful, don't want it to trigger you. ::hugs::
It’s been a long time since I read him; I’d forgotten about that, and I guess never noticed the misogyny at the time.
This is pretty disappointing from Scott Adams. Yes, the Dilbert guy.
@MsSwank Me? I'd only seen one episode when we talked about it.