Happy birthday to me. cc @indiana_mama

Kate Kate on twitter.com:
Friends, what credit card do you recommend for daily purchases (to pay off ASAP) to acquire either points, miles, or cash back?

@heyescapist Barclaycard. Effective 2.1% statement credit towards travel purchases.

jennmoneydollars jennmoneydollars on twitter.com:
I AM THE LEADER OF NEGATIVE VALUE https://twitter.com/JonBThompson/status/687324772229746688

@jennschiffer New LinkedIn recommendation.

@pairsupport Any ETA on fixing this VPS outage?

Chad Etzel Chad Etzel on twitter.com:
anyone know a website/app/system that's good for setting goals, keeping track of progress, and associating a reward with the goal/progress?

@jazzychad @bmndr

Nic Lake Nic Lake on twitter.com:
“Who is the lead singer of the Dave Matthews Band?” - @BeckaFranck

@niclake @BeckaFranck Mr. Band.

Alumni Asociatiation

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on gregorlove.com:
@laurentheanimal Not sure if it's what you're looking for, but there's some alt. churches that meet in pubs. Search "pub theology."

Usually more of a discussion than liturgy; can be quite good in my experience.

laurentheanimal laurentheanimal on twitter.com:
Does anyone have advice or resources re: finding and joining a new church? It's one of my big goals this year and I feel lost.

@laurentheanimal Not sure if it's what you're looking for, but there's some alt. churches that meet in pubs. Search "pub theology."

Nostalgic for chat rooms. Do those even still exist?

@heatherface There's still IRC, though not as user-friendly as web-based chatrooms.

In reply to: https://twitter.com/indiana_mama/status/685490719482626048

@indiana_mama Probably after I finish To Kill a Mockingbird and Go Set a Watchman.

Happy birthday to @macleaney! <3

Good posts by @austinkleon:

How to Read More: http://austinkleon.com/2014/12/29/how-to-read-more/

33 Thoughts on Reading: http://austinkleon.com/2014/10/17/33-thoughts-on-reading/

@zefrank I miss star.me, just to let you know.

@heatherface @zefrank Seconded.

Kyle Mahan Kyle Mahan on kylewm.com:
Kyle’s webcam 2002-2005. so much hair. so much angst.

I think you’re set for profile photos in 2016 now.

Chris Wilkinson Chris Wilkinson on twitter.com:
Toggle states required:
Yes / No
Good / Bad / All
Now / Forever

For the 2nd one, I’m thinking a 3 way rotating toggle or is that the worst?

@cwilk I think I would prefer a "slider" that snaps to one of the three options.

In reply to: https://twitter.com/EricaGrows/status/684224032439283712

@EricaGrows Yeah, but there’s some pretty smooth lines in episode 2. Not like sand, which is rough. @nicktabick @Hungry4Media

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on gregorlove.com:

. . . ladies.

.@macleaney says she likes it when I grow my hair out but idk


. . . ladies.

Kyle Mahan Kyle Mahan on kylewm.com:
I really really hate deciding between Android phones every few years. Runs hot, terrible battery life, camera sucks, choose three.

Ditto what others have said about the Nexus phones. I’m using a Nexus 5 currently but considering switching to Project Fi and getting a 5X. They offer 2-year financing of the phone now, too.