@SweeneySays I'm not usually a fan of police shows, but this is great. I'm midway through S2.
@SweeneySays I'm watching it for the first time as well. So good.
@randileeharper Definitely interested.
@kateemick Sweet skillz!
TIL about the “Millennials to Snake People” extension. Pretty funny. http://www.wsj.com/articles/snake-people-invade-the-internet-1439575068
@Skirts Exciting! Safe travels tomorrow.
Quite pleased to officially release a Webmention plugin for @ProcessWire: https://github.com/gRegorLove/ProcessWire-Webmention #indieweb
@niclake Some of the reasons in that article; mainly how the term dehumanizes. I hear you, but I don’t think the term achieves more justice.
@niclake I hope not. Not because he was just “mentally ill” though. http://blogs.reuters.com/great-debate/2015/06/23/why-the-south-carolina-shooting-suspect-should-not-be-called-a-terrorist/
@dhg Hi, Dave. I wanted to check if you plan to continue developing the Skeleton CSS boilerplate?
@gretchenalice “Let’s go to Candy Mountain, Charrrlie!”
@StuffCCLikes Finally. I’ve been waiting for a church program to teach me survival, business, working out, and fixing cars.
@jdragz Have you seen these? http://zheconceptart.tumblr.com/post/137925985005/art-by-%C3%A1stor-alexander
The really-really equality operator.
@theperfectfoil Is there a Seattle or Portland show on the horizon?
@ComcastCares Can someone with intimate knowledge of the account system help fix this for good?
@ComcastCares Last month I called and supposedly had the issue on my account fixed, but it still persists.
@ComcastCares I've had to chat/call to reset my password for the last six months.
@ComcastCares My username is associated with a past account# and each month I have to reset my password.