Kyle Mahan Kyle Mahan on
@gRegorLove i just got into @replyall like this week and those segments are the greatest!

@kylewmahan I recommend episode #50 and #43 if you haven’t heard them yet.

I really enjoy @replyall but would love a separate podcast of just the “Yes, Yes, No” segments.

Sheryl Sheryl on
@gRegorLove No, I really don't. I probably should.

@girlvsplanet I’ve seen people use for that.

Sheryl Sheryl on
I really need to blog. Problem is, I think that lately my thoughts are a bit too scattered to. #blogging

@girlvsplanet Do you do any daily/regular writing offline? It might help. Clears thoughts and gets you in the habit.

♫ Well I won’t trackback down, no I won’t trackback down #indieweb

I saw a white pickup truck with a big decal across the rear window: "#WHITETRUCKSMATTER" Wow.

Drumpf's Tiny Hand Drumpf's Tiny Hand on
Massively irritated rn by everyone that’s like “if you don’t vote, you’re terrible.”

no u.

@randileeharper Objecting to the system by abstaining is a perfectly legitimate option.

“The label didn’t understand why they should pay for the band to maintain a website year-round. They thought it was something that only needed to be ‘up’ when we had a new record to promote, and wouldn’t pay to keep the site active the rest of the time. I was baffled.

I don’t think you guys get it. Our website is like . . . a Real Place. It needs to exist all the time. You don’t shut it down and then come back later.”

The Art of Asking

Amanda Palmer talking about the music label for her band, The Dresden Dolls. This was early 2000s. Emphasis original.

We finished watching Battlestar Galactica tonight.

@macleaney: “Nowwwww what are we going to watch??” #sosayweall

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on
If we can reboot Full House, we can reboot Square One Television.

“The story you are about to see is a fib, but it’s short.”

If we can reboot Full House, we can reboot Square One Television.

Waterfall in Lookout Mountain Forest Preserve

Went for a nice hike in the Lookout Mountain Forest Preserve last weekend.

Randi Lee Harper Randi Lee Harper on
If I see one more person recommending GNU social, I'm going to tableflip.

@randileeharper I’ve recently seen two separate GNUsocial sites that seem geared towards goobergrumpers.

Nicole Sweeney Nicole Sweeney on
@gRegorLove there is just so much emotional weight behind every turn and aaahhhh it is so good

@SweeneySays I'm not usually a fan of police shows, but this is great. I'm midway through S2.

Nicole Sweeney Nicole Sweeney on
And I'm just really sad about being alone and late to this Cultural Moment. WHY WON'T EVERYONE TALK ABOUT THE WIRE NOW, PLEASE?

@SweeneySays I'm watching it for the first time as well. So good.

Randi Lee Harper Randi Lee Harper on
I want to build my army of developers excited about metadata and anti-harassment. Maybe you'd be happy here.

@randileeharper Definitely interested.

Katie Kat Katie Kat on
Guys. GUYS. I finished the blanket.

@kateemick Sweet skillz!

TIL about the “Millennials to Snake People” extension. Pretty funny.

In reply to:

@Skirts Exciting! Safe travels tomorrow.

Quite pleased to officially release a Webmention plugin for @ProcessWire: #indieweb