@laurentheanimal Cause females’ credit is strong as hell.
Hanging out with some feathered friends.
I’m now caching profile photos for webmentions I receive in the ProcessWire Webmention plugin. I borrowed Aaron’s method from https://github.com/aaronpk/ca3db/: hash the image file and use that as the filename; if the filename already exists, use that, otherwise store the new image. One step closer to https-only!
@standrewsrebel Did you add a " . . . ladies" underneath that? :]
Oh my goodness. The shirts in this thread... and the jokes rightly mocking them... https://twitter.com/jessicard/status/721390341480263680
@RELEVANTpodcast I sent my question of the week answer by tube. Can you confirm receipt?
@Cross_Hare Dude. Glad you're doing this again.
whoop whoop! Nice to have another ProcessWire site out there supporting Webmention!
This is cute: https://youtu.be/wlslwdB9Z4g made with http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/ef0b/?srp=2
@ThatMissKitty. Hah, I know.
I had missed your April Fool's post. That’s funny, but so obviously not you. :]
@ThatMissKitty That's awesome! Congratulations. You should get at least a little excited, though.
Maybe just: Grande.
or Communicator Between the Dead and the Living? Nah, too long.
@aduronia Haha, thanks! That joke got a lot more traction than I expected.
@solarpowerspork You don't tell them "Solar Power Spork"?
@indiana_mama @jdragz Now I just need a blue box . . .
@jdragz Floyd, actually.
@jdragz We should talk about LNT #4. Somehow it is suddenly months since our last episode.
@aduronia Good job! This was a fun listen. @edthomas @JRisMoney
Idea: A site that concatenates tweetstorms into one long post. Could call it Weblogger, or maybe Presser of Words.