Lillian Karabaic Lillian Karabaic on
@ameliaabreu @aaronpk Teacup is definitely not for everyone/most sane humans :-P

@anomalily @ameliaabreu @aaronpk Missed opportunity: “it’s not everyone’s cup of tea . . .”

Amy Guy Amy Guy on
"you guys you guys you guys" I want an airhorn for use of gendered language on the crowd at dwebsummit

#DWebSummit A/V people: the mic is hot between sessions, coming through on livestream.

“Power corrupts and PowerPoint corrupts absolutely.” — Vint Cerf #DWebSummit

This comic (and trailer) looks awesome:

Next year I definitely need to take a four-day weekend for @indiewebcamp.

Good morning from @indiewebcamp!

@EricaGrows @Hungry4media Happy anniversary, guys!

Christopher Siler Christopher Siler on
@gregorlove I think they are overly concerned over the spoiler effect. Have you seen the @cgpgrey vid on FTPT?

@Hungry4Media We’ve talked about it but I haven’t watched the video yet.

John R Lee John R Lee on
@gRegorLove I don't want you to let it go. I support you. Just because one can't win doesn't necessarily mean one shouldn't try.

@clohnart I appreciate your vote, but I’m not running. ;]

I hear you. I won’t give up, but I shouldn’t let it get to me so much.

Christopher Siler Christopher Siler on
@gRegorLove eh?

@Hungry4Media Oh, “a vote for a third party is a vote for [other candidate]” arguments frustrating me again.

John R Lee John R Lee on
@gRegorLove it's never gonna go away I think.

@clohnart You’re probably right and I probably need to let it go. I usually do, but sometimes it’s really frustrating.

Kyle Mahan Kyle Mahan on
I go back and forth on this. Let’s tear down the electoral college, have public financing of elections, implement online, ranked voting, whatever else might break us out of the two party system (with two utterly shit parties). But come November, it’s a choice between two people… Mathematically a vote for anyone else is the same as not voting.
And vote your conscience, sure. If I thought Hillary was just a slightly less evil monster than Trump and electing her would be a total disaster, I wouldn’t vote for her. I’d stay home, or vote for Jill Stein, or write in Mal Reynolds.
As it is, she’s uninspiring, I disagree with her on some things, don’t find her to be particularly trustworthy, but I think she’ll do fine as president. Top 3 of the last 5. With such a polarized congress there’s not that much a president can do anyway. And I believe she’ll nominate fine SC justices. I can live with voting for her no problem. I couldn’t live with not voting for her and Trump winning.

I go back-and-forth on the idea of voting or not, but I reject any claim that if I vote for a third party, it is a vote for [other candidate]. That’s just not based in reality. It annoys me that it’s still a common argument people make.

If I vote, it will be for someone I can support and mostly because it’s fun to fill out a ballot. :] Then Washington state will go Democrat as it has since 1988, regardless of my vote.

For later: This will help with logging the concerts I’ve attended.

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on
It’s 2016 and the Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils fallacy is still strong.

Statistically, you *will not* cast the deciding ballot. Vote (or don’t) your conscience.

It’s 2016 and the Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils fallacy is still strong.

After a second visit to The Root Beer Store, I realized we need an app like Untappd to track all the tasty sodas.