@phototypical Amaaaaazing. @MsSwank @jdragz
@girlvsplanet @standrewsrebel Ignorance I can't help, but I'm keeping the youth. :]
@standrewsrebel Just a bit ago.
Stranger on Facebook: “Gregor, I will chalk your ignorance to your youth.” Man, I love the internet.
@eea Or, not in the Pacific Northwest.
@rickyleepotts No beer was consumed. Didn’t think to see if they had root beer.
Good food, good friends, good game of tag, bad humidity.
Unexpected: Discussing race and #BlackLivesMatter on July 4th.
Hopefully gave some things to think about; was only frustrated a bit.
@technecat Just making a connecting flight. Sitting in AC now.
More like Humidiston, TX.
BREAKING: Comment “Some people will get offended at *anything*, amirite??” actually changes someone’s opinion, improves discussion.
Oh hey, Bellingham, I forgot to tweet it: Homebrew Website Club tonight and again on July 13th @WoodsCoffee! https://indiewebcamp.com/events/2016-06-29-homebrew-website-club
.@MensFitness Delete your magazine. https://twitter.com/aurabogado/status/747951646227894272
@audiofeedfest FYI “County” is misspelled in the site’s meta description, which appears in Google search results.
Hey, Barnaby. When you get a chance, could you take a look at/merge my updated test suite and implied photo parsing PRs for php-mf2? After working through some parsing issues at the IWC Summit I’m inspired to fix some things, but don’t want to get too far ahead where one PR requires another merged first. Thanks!
@ThatMissKitty How are things in NY? When is King Lear?
Happy birthday, @ThatMissKitty!
@kateemick Buy pound cake. You can never go wrong with pound cake.
@joeld I hadn’t seen this “secretary” part of your site. Lovely layout.
@gtmcknight Sweet. I can't seem to DM you. first.last at gmail