Behold, my first post using the ProcessWire Micropub plugin.
@ProfessorDino Alive and well and in-use by a lot of the indieweb community. Wiki and IRC are the primary community channels.
@timweston You’re welcome. We have an active chat room too, if you have any questions.
@timweston Sure! There’s several examples on
Part 1 of Shane’s series, “Regarding the IndieWeb: What”
Hey, Bellingham, want to work on your personal website? Come on out to Homebrew Website Club next Wednesday!
@LucyStag Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
@anomalily @ameliaabreu @aaronpk Missed opportunity: “it’s not everyone’s cup of tea . . .”
h/t Kyle
#DWebSummit A/V people: the mic is hot between sessions, coming through on livestream.
“Power corrupts and PowerPoint corrupts absolutely.” — Vint Cerf #DWebSummit
This comic (and trailer) looks awesome:
Next year I definitely need to take a four-day weekend for @indiewebcamp.
Good morning from @indiewebcamp!
@EricaGrows @Hungry4media Happy anniversary, guys!
@Hungry4Media We’ve talked about it but I haven’t watched the video yet.
@clohnart I appreciate your vote, but I’m not running. ;]
I hear you. I won’t give up, but I shouldn’t let it get to me so much.
@Hungry4Media Oh, “a vote for a third party is a vote for [other candidate]” arguments frustrating me again.