@DemSycamore Wait, how did YOU know? Uh, I mean...
@chloepapas I can probably help fix the error that's causing nothing to show up currently.
Stranger pointed out “internet hate isn’t abuse you spineless dick” so now I’ve changed my mind.
Oh my word. Starcher Trek! https://vimeo.com/70518741
@JulieBorowski This is really such a tired, unexamined refrain. We can do better, be better. Don't have to just sit back and accept abuse.
@JulieBorowski @SNOOPaLUPE Of course Twitter would, presuming he still launched multiple targeted harassment campaigns—as he did.
Haaaaaa. Buh-bye, @Nero.
I decided to look through the Wikipedia history for Tony Danza to see if I could find some of Eddie’s edits (hey, that’s catchy). Can you confirm or deny these?
“Danza was born as a poor black child, and his genes were taken at birth and given to Michael Jackson” 1
“Danza was a professional ballerina” 2
“Tony aka 'the brooklyn banjo' made a special guest appearance in the dreams of Michael J. Fox as 'the toast-gobbler'.” 3
“Tony Danza aka Tony Tripplet” 4
and . . .
“Danza died for our sins” 5
@TheLastDomino Dude, see it. It's quite good.
@Lesdoggg People can modify the text in their browser (for them only) and then screenshot it.
I'm so sorry you're dealing with this BS. :(
@girlvsplanet @wilw Wow. I can’t compete with that.
@girlvsplanet @wilw No? Did his hair already do this? WHEAAATONNN!

My bedhead was trying to Holtzmann this morning.
This is a great ad:
Even if you don’t agree politically, you can probably agree they should be in the presidential debates. It’s possible. More: http://reason.com/archives/2016/06/29/yes-gary-johnson-could-make-it-into-the
Ghostbusters is really good. Go see it.
@jdragz Glad you caught up, old man. ;] @phototypical @msswank
“Life is short. No one wants to fill out a form.” https://uxdesign.cc/design-better-forms-96fadca0f49c
They haven’t met @Rachelskirts, apparently.
@nicopolitan It was an ingredients reminder for twitter dot com.
@standrewsrebel Rod Stewart sucks! I hate you and the music you like! :)
@laurentheanimal PRISONER ZERO HAS ESCAPED. @tomfromhr @KlutzyBallerina @CraigMac