@AGoldmund Was @PJVogt really not familiar with Alice in Wonderland / Through the Looking-Glass? #kidsthesedays

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on gregorlove.com:
Today in Kate McKinnon is Awesome:


More like Cat McKinnon.

Today in Kate McKinnon is Awesome:


GFM GFM on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove It is the worst. (Hi, gee-Regor!)

@girlfrmmars Hiii, gee-FM!

@Carahfaye Are you opening for all of @LindseyStirling's tour? Seattle?

In reply to: https://twitter.com/indiana_mama/status/762125580045283328

@indiana_mama Not sure. Thanks for asking though.

Bleh. Feeling disconnected and lonely. Making real-life friends is hard sometimes.

Christine B. Taylor Christine B. Taylor on twitter.com:
They re-made Ben-Hur? Seriously? Ok I understand wanting to reinterpret art for our generation, but what's the next gen going to interpret?

@mousewords The same movies, but with emoji.

(((ms_xeno))) (((ms_xeno))) on twitter.com:
Great for you if you like her work. As for me, this was my first & hopefully last encounter with her. https://twitter.com/gRegorLove/status/761628318504521729

@amylsacks Don't get me wrong. I'm quite turned off to her at this point.

David Futrelle David Futrelle on www.wehuntedthemammoth.com:
Twitter “progressives” bombard Jen Kirkman with death threats after missing the point of a joke

The threats she received are absolutely un-excusable. Full stop.

The joke was in poor taste and she made light of actual deaths at the hands of the US government. Then she doubled-down and mocked people criticizing her, including people who were not threatening violence. I saw a lot of the tweets at the time it was happening, and she almost exclusively was retweeting and mocking what I'll call the “genuine responses”—non-violent, non-sexist. There’s screenshots here: https://twitter.com/SeanMcElwee/status/761254572044251136

None of that above justifies or excuses the violent, sexist responses she also received, but there is more than just one thing that happened here.

I’m not a Bernie (or Trump) supporter, in case that’s a question. I’ve seen Jen’s Netflix special and really enjoyed it, which is why I’m following her to begin with.

Gosh, 3 “cyborg” responses already. Maybe you people are the robots. ¬_¬

Kyle Mahan Kyle Mahan on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove cyborgs aren't robots!

@kylewmahan shh don’t mess up my tweet. :]

Google, I feel conflicted checking this “I’m not a robot” box. #PacemakerLife

Slate Slate on twitter.com:
If you vote third party, you’re voting for Capt. Donald to fly the plane: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/08/if_you_vote_third_party_you_re_voting_for_capt_donald_trump.html

@Slate This is lazy, manipulative, and false. http://gregorlove.com/2016/07/thoughts-on-voting/

In reply to: https://twitter.com/Skirts/status/761154354216833024


And props to @CNNPolitics for announcing a similar town hall for the Green Party candidates in two weeks.

Really appreciated this answer regarding #BlackLivesMatter


If you're interested/curious about @GovGaryJohnson, there's a town hall on CNN 9PM Eastern tonight.

.@GovGaryJohnson Do you believe vaccines cause autism?

Facebook needs a Clippy-like helper after you write x lines without a line break.

“It looks like you’re trying to write a wall of text no one wants to read.”