Then released after 14 years, without trial or charges.
America, folks.
"...beatings, extreme isolation, sleep deprivation, frigid rooms ... threats against both Mohamedou and his mother..."
Happy birthday, @girlvsplanet!
@kylewmahan This new design for your site is awesome.
Started reading This is Where It Ends #ebook
@indiana_mama Word. I'm getting angry with the excuses for sexual assault and it's not good for me.
Like, talking about people’s hypocrisy, real or implied, becomes more important than *literal sexual assault*.
Has anyone read some good responses to this concern-trolling talk of “selective moral outrage,” or should I write something?
TW: sexual assault
Men, please read this.
@MsSwank No tasty, tasty cats were harmed in the making of this birthday greeting. :]

Happy birthday, @MsSwank!
@ericmetaxas Nice peddling of debunked claims Re: Hillary and that case:
@RELEVANTpodcast Boy, just one week off on the EQOTW about hot mics... #TrumpTapes
@Skirts @MsSwank So when are you moving to Istanbul?
KEDi looks like a fun documentary for cat lovers.
@michaeldestroys Also funny if they say one is just a "bad apple," when the saying is "one bad apple spoils the whole bunch."
Glad I have improv class tonight so I won’t be tempted to watch the debate.
Watched Breaking a Monster
Used to generate this, btw.