gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on
"...beatings, extreme isolation, sleep deprivation, frigid rooms ... threats against both Mohamedou and his mother..."

Then released after 14 years, without trial or charges.

America, folks.

"...beatings, extreme isolation, sleep deprivation, frigid rooms ... threats against both Mohamedou and his mother..."

Happy birthday, @girlvsplanet!

In reply to:

@kylewmahan This new design for your site is awesome.

Started reading This is Where It Ends #ebook

Isha Isha on
I can take anymore election crap. I can't. Maybe I need a social media break.

@indiana_mama Word. I'm getting angry with the excuses for sexual assault and it's not good for me.

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on
Has anyone read some good responses to this concern-trolling talk of “selective moral outrage,” or should I write something?

Like, talking about people’s hypocrisy, real or implied, becomes more important than *literal sexual assault*.

Has anyone read some good responses to this concern-trolling talk of “selective moral outrage,” or should I write something?

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on
Happy birthday, @MsSwank!

@MsSwank No tasty, tasty cats were harmed in the making of this birthday greeting. :]

Happy birthday, @MsSwank!

Eric Metaxas Eric Metaxas on
Should Christians Vote for Trump? Here's my article. Please share!

@RELEVANTpodcast Boy, just one week off on the EQOTW about hot mics... #TrumpTapes

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on
KEDi looks like a fun documentary for cat lovers.

@Skirts @MsSwank So when are you moving to Istanbul?

KEDi looks like a fun documentary for cat lovers.

In reply to:

@michaeldestroys Also funny if they say one is just a "bad apple," when the saying is "one bad apple spoils the whole bunch."

Glad I have improv class tonight so I won’t be tempted to watch the debate.

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on
Whatcha think, @jdragz? @LateNightToast

Used to generate this, btw.