gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on
My IndieWeb Commitment is:

– Finish my style guide

– Add the “floating top bar” main navigation when scrolling down the page


Made some good progress on the style guide, even if it’s not complete.

I also added the “floating top bar.” When you scroll past the main navigation, a bar will slide down from the top of the window and remain in place. This requires javascript.


Hello, 2017

We discovered a ginger homicide today. :(

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@eea Hahah. This was awesome.

My childhood love just collided with adulthood love. And how did I miss that #DuckTales is coming back??

♫ Scala & Kolacny Brothers, “Last Christmas”

Highly recommend their December album, too.

I guess before 2016 ends I should listen to this Hamilton soundtrack. Here we go.

Sarah Ruth Sarah Ruth on
@gRegorLove @WNYC I wish for my gRegor to be happy! ❤️️

@sarah5 You’re supposed to think it to yourself! But thanks. :) <3 I’m happy as long as there is not sand.

Dead-simple mindfulness thing I've been trying: bring someone to mind and think “I wish for them to be happy.”


First snow

♫ Nostalgia-listening to Transatlanticism today. Holds up.


I've seen some cool Minecraft stuff, but this Atari 2600 emulator takes the cake.

h/t @waxpancake

gRegor’s Angels

Eight years? Dang.

Throwback to December 6, 2008. Photo by Sheryl Hugill.

Gretchen Alice Gretchen Alice on
I'm having a lousy morning. Do me a favor and pay me a compliment--I'll give you one back in return.

@gretchenalice You’re hilarious and have/had one of the best nicknames (gretchasketch)!

Lighted boat parade on the bay last night

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@indiana_mama Just starting a @BreneBrown book, but some HP would also be good.

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@indiana_mama Whoa. Things OK, or just busy?