I've seen some cool Minecraft stuff, but this Atari 2600 emulator takes the cake. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nViIUfDMJg
h/t @waxpancake
Eight years? Dang.
Throwback to December 6, 2008. Photo by Sheryl Hugill.
@gretchenalice You’re hilarious and have/had one of the best nicknames (gretchasketch)!
@indiana_mama Just starting a @BreneBrown book, but some HP would also be good.
@indiana_mama Whoa. Things OK, or just busy?
OK Go does it again.
My IndieWeb Commitment is:
– Finish my style guide
– Add the “floating top bar” main navigation when scrolling down the page
Looking back:
On 2015-12-26 I completed the expanded reply-contexts for new posts. Retroactively applied it to an older post to screenshot: https://gregorlove.com/2015/07/solution-or-go-home-couldnt/
On 2016-03-09 I implemented plain-text tagging for event posts.
On 2016-03-21 I completed support for local comments. I did not use Persona for login since it's dying, unfortunately. :/ The anti-spam measures I've implemented have worked pretty well, though.
@girlfrmmars Please tell me it's called Fo' Sizzle.
Re: the death penalty, I just finished reading a really powerful book, The Death of Innocents by Sister Helen Prejean. Highly recommended. More information and resources: http://www.sisterhelen.org
Happy #MST3KTurkeyDay!
Police hit a #NoDAPL protester with a concussion grenade. She's now facing multiple surgeries and potentially amputation of her arm. Please donate if you can.
I still have complicated thoughts on the use of political vandalism (destruction of property), but did find this article informative. I definitely do not think it's as simple as a lot would make it out to be, and don't think it should be called "violence."
Property destruction is not violence in any substantive sense. To use the same term for vandalism as direct physical brutality is an Orwellian pollution of language that cheapens real violence and suggests that people are equivalent to things. Obviously destroying people’s inert possessions is usually not ethically justifiable — but the bar is much lower than with real violence. Civil disobedience, like blocking a port, can incur costs in the millions of dollars, while other actions widely accepted as ‘non-violent’ like pouring fake blood over draft cards or mortgage records can amount to incredibly costly direct property destruction. Breaking cheap windows may look scarier to some, but appearing intimidating is hardly an atrocity.
For any devs, I'm going to work on something like this. Let me know if you're interested.
Any Muppet movies
What About Bob?
Tommy Boy
@EdwardorEddie To loudly proclaim their opposition to fascism and indicate their level of commitment to opposing it.
Well darn, apparently I totally missed out on the flash-sideways! #LOST http://www.theverge.com/2016/11/11/13602824/facebook-just-killed-everyone