@girlvsplanet @indiana_mama @jdragz We should do a video hangout sometime. Miss you guys.

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on gregorlove.com:
This was an interesting political quiz. I liked the range of questions and ability to answer how strongly you agree/disagree.


My results:

90% economic leftist

89% social liberal

92% civil libertarian

92% antistatist

100% anti-militarist

Surprised my civil libertarian score isn't higher. Need to go back and figure out what my answer was to lower that.

This was an interesting political quiz. I liked the range of questions and ability to answer how strongly you agree/disagree.


My results:
90% economic leftist
89% social liberal
92% civil libertarian
92% antistatist
100% anti-militarist

Fun Sexy Bible Time Fun Sexy Bible Time on twitter.com:
Episode 38
with @Thejesslou
ranking pop-tarts & making fun of stuff in christian culture


@FSBibleTime Suggestion for your fan club / fun-finders: Piercers of the Darkness. Get it? Pierce-ers. @Thejesslou

Micropub test of creating a basic h-entry

Micropub test of creating a photo referenced by URL

This post has bold and italic text.

Micropub test of creating an h-entry with a JSON request

Testing accepting access token in post body

Micropub test of creating an h-entry with one category. This post should have one category, test1

Micropub test of creating an h-entry with categories. This post should have two categories, test1 and test2

Annie Annie on twitter.com:
Why are there still hipsters? I thought we were done with that.

@girlfrmmars You were just done with them before it was cool.

Ooh, Unwed Sailor is playing Seattle in June!

♫ Loving my friend Dana’s cover of “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” https://soundcloud.com/recoversongs/girls-just-want-to-have-fun

@EdwardorEddie Definitely was being funny, not insulting with that #EQOTW. You should be part of the reboot. But not @Chandlerstrang ;)

Nico del Castillo Nico del Castillo on twitter.com:
Ack I forgot to ask this week if people wanted to do a #winetoreach tonight. Any interest still?

@nicopolitan I missed this, but was just thinking we should have one next weekend.

In reply to: https://twitter.com/kateemick/status/833192640724152321
a photo of Kate Beckinsale

Am I doing this right, @kateemick?