In reply to:

@eea I hear it's dusty down there. ;]

Thanks! <3

Ten years ago today I had my pacemaker put in. Reflecting and working on a blog post.

74 and sunny and a lovely sunset tonight

Saw Jennifer Knapp tonight. Nope, it's not 1997. She's still great.

Testing homepage mentions with Jay

Jay Robinson Jay Robinson on
This is a test note for testing replies

This is a test reply. Found your authorship info, too!

Sven Sven on
@nebu @webrocker it just *magically reappeared* and has been further filled in

Hi all, I'm really sorry about that. As mentioned it's back now. Thanks for all your work on that!

Danielle Evans Danielle Evans on
In Chicago for work next week — what should I eat/drink/do in my spare evenings?

Cafe Orchid for amazing Turkish. Chicago Diner for good vegan, including milkshakes.

Homebrew Website Club meetup with the Bellinghamster.

Testing photo posting

Looking forward to Homebrew Website Club Bellingham tonight at a new venue, @TheFoundryWA!

In reply to:

Have you watched Continuum? Not as unique, but I'm enjoying it.

Ricky Potts Ricky Potts on
@gRegorLove Where you going next?


Finished Travelers season 1 on Netflix. Pretty good time travel show.

@willnorris Do/did you have a tool to run each of the mf2 parsers in one page? I seem to recall it but can't find the URL.

Interesting Twitter thread about Tumblr reblogs and inability to untag yourself:

“...he was sidelined in 2011 after a dispute with Putin. A disputin.”

Well-played, @ThisAmerLife

I was thinking it would be nice to keep different lists in Netflix rather than one ever-growing list. I might be able to achieve that with different viewer profiles, but I figured I would experiment keeping lists on my own site instead. I wrote up some quick javascript in the dev console to extract the links and titles as a starting point:

titles = document.querySelectorAll('.title');
for (var i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) { a = titles[i].querySelector('a'); if ( a ) { console.log('<li> <a href="' + a.getAttribute('href') + '">' + titles[i].textContent + '</a> </li>'); } }

Nice parking job, person. I had to crawl over from the passenger side. The parking lot was half empty, too, so they had plenty of options.

@myriadmystic Hey Cassie, think you’ll be able to make it to IndieWeb Summit again this year?