Ricky Potts Ricky Potts on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove Where you going next?


Finished Travelers season 1 on Netflix. Pretty good time travel show.

@willnorris Do/did you have a tool to run each of the mf2 parsers in one page? I seem to recall it but can't find the URL.

Interesting Twitter thread about Tumblr reblogs and inability to untag yourself: https://twitter.com/0xabad1dea/status/863914176930086912

“...he was sidelined in 2011 after a dispute with Putin. A disputin.”

Well-played, @ThisAmerLife

I was thinking it would be nice to keep different lists in Netflix rather than one ever-growing list. I might be able to achieve that with different viewer profiles, but I figured I would experiment keeping lists on my own site instead. I wrote up some quick javascript in the dev console to extract the links and titles as a starting point:

titles = document.querySelectorAll('.title');
for (var i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) { a = titles[i].querySelector('a'); if ( a ) { console.log('<li> <a href="https://netflix.com' + a.getAttribute('href') + '">' + titles[i].textContent + '</a> </li>'); } }

Nice parking job, person. I had to crawl over from the passenger side. The parking lot was half empty, too, so they had plenty of options.

@myriadmystic Hey Cassie, think you’ll be able to make it to IndieWeb Summit again this year? https://2017.indieweb.org

In reply to: https://twitter.com/indiana_mama/status/862060131495927808

@indiana_mama Just had one. So good!

In reply to: https://twitter.com/indiana_mama/status/862041239457234945?s=09

Mmm. Must try.

First day of IndieWebCamp Bellingham completed successfully! Looking forward to seeing what we build tomorrow. #IWCBham

Testing Bridgy Publish to Twitter

Mark Merriam Mark Merriam on twitter.com:
@googledocs @REMBostonsports So....... what to do if you did click the link as this warning was about 3 hrs late

Check https://myaccount.google.com/permissions for any suspicious apps and revoke their access.

Today is a good day to review your permissions on various silos. Handy links on https://indieweb.org/freemyoauth

Ginger Ginger on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove I'm a UX designer that's trying to help with the indie web on 4/4. There's no contact on your page or wiki

@Gingerbiscuit60 Hey Ginger, how can I help? There's a contact page on my site. Or feel free to DM here. :) cc @altsalt

Farhad Manjoo Farhad Manjoo on twitter.com:
What’s the order in which you would drop Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook from your life, if forced to — from first to last.

Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Google