Happy birthday, @laurentheanimal!

Lynn Cyrin Lynn Cyrin on twitter.com:
I'll be going to the @indiewebcamp thing this weekend probs! https://ti.to/indiewebcamp/summit-2017/ https://twitter.com/lynncyrin/status/865644174174900225

Awesome! Look forward to seeing you there.

laurentheanimal laurentheanimal on twitter.com:
And it all worked. I wrapped up my old job. I took a week off to let myself rest. I start my exciting new job on Monday!

Awesome. Congratulations!

Levi Keim Levi Keim on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove @BAKKOOONN It's supposed to be like Norman Rockwell's painting of Ruby Bridges going to an all-white sc… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/876140097107787776

Ahh, makes more sense. Wow, scumbags indeed.

BAKOON BAKOON on twitter.com:

I feel dumb but I don't get the comic?

Alex Goldman Alex Goldman on twitter.com:
Serious question: what is good about dr who. I've tried watching a couple different doctors and it just seems like a kids show

Great characters and fun stories. It builds and if you're jumping around eps/Doctors it may take longer to click.

Annie Annie on twitter.com:
Just ordered 5 pizzas and at least one of them had pineapple on it.

Don’t @ me.

Pineapple on pizza is amazing.

Filippo Valsorda Filippo Valsorda on twitter.com:
Well, thanks for letting me know AFTER my address and phone number got archived forever in a hundred shady places.

Is there a link to this, or was it an email?

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on gregorlove.com:
#TBT @ThatMissKitty in the TARDIS after we saw The Timey Wimey Fantastic Brilliant Extravaganza (Geronimo!). #TheNextDoctor – June 15, 2013

Pretty sure I forgot to send you this photo, but in wibbly-wobbly fashion, here it is finally. :]

#TBT @ThatMissKitty in the TARDIS after we saw The Timey Wimey Fantastic Brilliant Extravaganza (Geronimo!). #TheNextDoctor – June 15, 2013

In reply to: https://wentsch.me/340/


Want to read: The Hate U Give

@uhhyeahbret Will you be at IndieWeb Summit? https://2017.indieweb.org

This podcast episode about spiritual trauma is really good so far. Recommended for anyone who is curious about it or wants to support people you love who have experienced it.


Jim Pick Jim Pick on twitter.com:
I suck at IndieRSVP, so I'm going to the IndieWeb Summit in Portland twice... https://2017.indieweb.org/

Twice the #indieweb fun!

Enjoying this video on juvenoia aka the “kids these days” reaction: https://youtu.be/LD0x7ho_IYc