Tantek Çelik Tantek Çelik on tantek.com:
Homebrew Website Club SF

I'm not attending, unfortunately.

Want to read: Testing

Want to read: Testing

IndieWeb Summit Schedule 1

IndieWeb Summit Schedule 2

♫ I always feel like some Chris Aldrich is watching me . . .

@kylewmahan o/ I hear you're on the #IWS2017 livestream!

Colin Walker Colin Walker on colinwalker.blog:
In reply to: consider a page part of the IndieWeb if…
Ryan’s quote about how to check for possible indieweb properties was used in that context and, while it may not be a litmus test, checking for x or y rather than x and y implies only one is required.
But this is the current difficulty with defining exactly what constitutes an indieweb site.

→ 24/06/2017 12:27am

I don’t think my wording was clear. I meant that criteria was intended for use at a large scale, to estimate how many domains we might classify as “indieweb.” I don’t think it was meant to be applied on an individual personal site to determine whether or not it counts as part of the IndieWeb. Plenty of people have personal websites and have never heard of indieweb.org or implemented mf2/webmention/micropub. They’re still part of the IndieWeb as far as I’m concerned. They just haven’t self-identified with the community.

@Marty: This is that security at Standing Rock session I was talking about: https://www.linuxfestnorthwest.org/2017/sessions/security-resistance-camps-lessons-standing-rock

http://websub.rocks 1: Testing your Publisher

Have had a productive day and really good Portland noms so far at IndieWeb Leaders Summit!

indieweb.org indieweb.org on indieweb.org:

I’m attending the 2017 IndieWeb Leaders Summit.

Colin Walker Colin Walker on colinwalker.blog:
The confusion about the indieweb

“consider a page part of the IndieWeb if it has a microformats2 class or advertizes a webmention or micropub endpoint.”

If I'm remembering correctly, I believe that quote originated from Ryan when he was trying to find criteria to estimate how many indieweb sites are out there. I don't think it was meant to be a litmus test for whether one is indieweb or not.

eli eli on eli.li:
IndieWeb podcast club

Sounds interesting! Sorta related, a few of us wrote up articles with an overview of the podcasts we listen to and short descriptions. There's Marty's, Jeena's, Colin's, and mine.

gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on gregorlove.com:
https://gregorlove.com/site/assets/files/4457/gregor.gifWelp. #FirstGifComesUpForYourName

@SpiffyPop This feels like your doing.

Tyler Huckabee Tyler Huckabee on twitter.com:
"now that's what i call..."

Whale done, Tyler.

Welp. #FirstGifComesUpForYourName