@thelovelygirl I'm reading Wrinkle in Time right now so your display name is timely.

Just saw someone walking their bunny on a leash at the boardwalk.

Dr Kim Foale Dr Kim Foale on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove That's awesome :) I coulda been clearer tho: are there any reasonable sized services/sites that are act… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/907386431139717120

Not sure about crawling. Calagator can import events from hCalendar (microformats1) and there's a request to support h-event (microformats2)

I still remember where I was when I first saw this meme.


gRegor Morrill gRegor Morrill on gregorlove.com:
I do for events on my site. Makes it easy to have human-friendly dates + machine-readable ISO8601. e.g. https://gregorlove.com/2017/06/homebrew-website-club/

calagator.org uses them, too. From the consuming side, I use https://github.com/gRegorLove/mf2-to-iCalendar to generate iCalendar from the microformats

Dr Kim Foale Dr Kim Foale on twitter.com:
Are there any websites/services that capitalise on HTML5 <time> tags and event microformats etc? Good for SEO?

I do for events on my site. Makes it easy to have human-friendly dates + machine-readable ISO8601. e.g. https://gregorlove.com/2017/06/homebrew-website-club/

@KumarsSalehi I'm definitely here for the Star Wars Take of the Week no matter what @roqchams says.

Roqayah Chamseddine Roqayah Chamseddine on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove Fuck, I've been coded

Roqayah Chamseddine Roqayah Chamseddine on twitter.com:
Y'all won't be laughing in a few years when Verrit codes will be currency

“Jesus cannot be indicted in the systems of foundational murder and the accompanying self-deception. But this very thing guaranteed Jesus would become a victim of the system. Violence cannot tolerate the presence of one who owes it nothing. It's why everyone at a stoning needs to throw a rock. If someone at a stoning doesn't participate, they are in danger of becoming the next victim. For the illusion of innocence to work, everyone must participate in the collective murder. The one who won't throw a rock becomes a prophet shining light on the evil of stoning. The community must then either repent or stone the prophet.”

Briah Zahnd, A Farewell to Mars

kalista plumm kalista plumm on twitter.com:
@gRegorLove Welcome to CA!


“It's true, you have incredibly dreamy knees”

Compliments as a Service https://complimentr.com by @grantcodes

Well, I'm moving to San Diego! October 1!

Tyler Huckabee Tyler Huckabee on twitter.com:
If u weren't raised christian u wont believe me but it's true: there was a time when this song was earnestly popular https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsejfbPUrXE

Real missed opportunity here with “TP for my bunghole lah loo yah”

In reply to: https://twitter.com/standrewsrebel/status/901131784066355202

Ooh, where?